Changing lives by educating Malawians in audiology
Malawi: South East Africa
Population:  20 Million
Audiologists:  5



The burden of children with hearing loss is estimated to be 100 times higher in Malawi than in High Income countries. (Anne Marie Tharpe, Richard Seewald, 2017).  And according to WHO 60% is preventable.


Ear disease is 100 times higher in sub–Saharan Africa (Malawi) then in the West. There are currently under 5 audiologists in the whole of Malawi - a population of 20 million. To put this into perspective, that is 1 audiologist per 4 million people. In the UK, there is 1 audiologist per 16,000 people!


The need in Malawi is immense and EARS Inc have been working hard for the last 10 years to set up a Bachelor of Science in Audiology (BSc.Aud.) as well as working alongside the Ministry of Health to create audiology roles within the healthcare system.


The first graduation ceremony took place back in 2021 (no thanks to COVID!) and the newly qualified audiologists were employed by the ABC Hearing Clinic where they are working hard to serve the local community with their hearing difficulties as well as doing a number of outreaches to villages and schools.


In a few weeks (June 2023) the hearing clinic will be welcoming another 8 new graduates onto the staff team and as soon as positions become available within the healthcare system they will be able to move over to their new roles.


We are so excited to be able to work with EARS Inc and to train up more audiologists in this beautiful country where it will really make a huge difference to so many lives!


We would love for you to partner with us through sponsorship and help us change the lives of those who need it most.

To find out more about the projects we will be involved in keep an eye out on our blog for updates (– you can also subscribe to receive an email update. (Don't worry, we won't bombard you with emails but will try to get a monthly update out).